Free Support
Note: We can not offer support for custom CSS code customization. You should ask a professional developer for aid if you require help with advanced customization and programming.
Free Ticket Support
Curly Themes offers a free ticket support application for all clients, through a real-time purchase code automatic verification. The dedicated app is fast and easy to use and includes an email notification feature. We will let you know as soon as your inquiry has received an answer. Thanks to our modern design, you can also upload images as an attachment to your support ticket.
Before writing a ticket please get your License Certificate:

purchase code
Before opening a new ticket, please make sure you have read through all our documentation. Also, our Knowledge Base contains helpful answers to questions we often receive from our customers. Following these steps is in the users’ interest, as they will save valuable time. Still, we are always happy to respond to any inquiries you may have related to our theme.
Installing the Theme
Before installing this theme you need to have a WordPress platform already installed on your server. You can download it from if you don’t have it already.
If you do not know how or you have problems with the installation, you can access helpful information at:
Once you have a working WordPress on your server, you have two available ways to install this theme.
Theme Requirements
The theme needs to be hosted on a server that is running WordPress 4.0 or higher, PHP5 or higher, and MySql 5 or higher. Our WordPress Theme has been successfully tested with Mac, Windows and Linux. Also, to ensure that your experience is 100% safe, please follow the below checklist:
- Make sure that your server is allowing WordPress to operate normally; some servers restrict WordPress functions, causing potential problems.
- Please be sure to operate the latest version of WordPress available. To download the latest version of WordPress, you need to go to the official website.
- Please make sure that you are using the latest version of the theme. To download the latest version of theme, you need to go to your Theme Forest account, under the Downloads tab.
WordPress Theme Upload
Step 1 – Login to WordPress Dashboard
Step 2 – Go to Appearance > Themes > Add New
Step 3 – Click Upload and select the file from your computer, after this click the Install Now button.

Step 4 – Wait for the theme to be installed. Once installed, you will be notified.
Warning: Please make sure that you upload the file and NOT the file!
FTP Theme Upload
Step 1 – The .zip file you downloaded from Theme Forest contains a folder named leisure
Step 2 – Upload this folder on your server in your WordPress directory to /wp-content/themes/
Note: We recommend that you use FileZilla FTP client.
Activating the Theme
After you have completed the install process, in either of the two ways, you need to activate it.
Step 1 – Log in to the WordPress Dashboard.
Step 2 – Go to Appearance > Themes and select Leisure.

Theme Activate Leisure
Step 3 – Click the Activate button and you can start using the theme.
Step 4 – It is recommended that you install the theme bundled plugins:
- Visual Composer brings nice features such as shortcodes, widgets and other cool functionality
- Revolution Slider is a premium slider, provided along with the theme, for gorgeous showcasing
- Ninja Forms is one of the top form creation plugins for WordPress
- Simple Weather is a cool, lightweight plugin to display the weather in WordPress
- Xtender is a mandatory plugin for Leisure WP, it brings core functionalities designed for hotel websites

install plugins
Migrating From another Theme
If you want to migrate your website from another WordPress theme to the Leisure theme, you need to resize the thumbnails using the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. Go to Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin to download the plugin and follow all the required steps. Also, do not forget to adapt the shortcodes.
Importing the Demo Content
In the Leisure download package you can find the Demo XML file (located in the demo content folder) that you can use for a quick theme set up. Images, videos and sliders are not included in the XML file.
To import the demo XML file, in the WordPress dashboard go to Tools > Import and select to install from the list WordPress Importer. After the installation is complete, select and upload the XML file. You can find the demo XML file in the demo content folder at root level in the Leisure download package. In the demo content folder you will find three folders: ninja forms, revolution slider and wordpress xml data, each of them with it’s relevant demo content. The process can take up to a few minutes.
Inside the wordpress xml data folder, you will find the demo.xml file, which contains the white demo. Also, you will find the black folder, which contains the demo-black.xml file, with the black hotel demo.

WordPress Import Demo Content Page
After the import process, go to Appearance > Menus and from the Manage Locations tab, use the Main Menu select box to choose the Main Menu option. Click the Save Changes button to record the changes.
After this go to Settings > Reading and from the A static page radio button, use the Front page select box to choose your home and the Posts page select box to choose the page for your blog.
Problems Importing the XML File?
Note: If you have a problem loading the XML file, it might be caused by host limitations. You need to uncheck the Download images and attachments box to upload only your pages and posts.
Importing the Demo Contact / Booking Forms
To import a form used in the demo, you need to go to your Dashboard and then to Forms > Import / Export and select one of the demo forms located in the demo content folder, in the ninja forms folder, which contains all the forms used in the demo.

Import Demo Ninja Forms (Booking Forms)
Available demo forms:
- Get in touch with us!
- Golf Course Reservation
- Playground Reservation
- Restaurant Reservation
- Room Booking
- Tennis Court Reservation
- Water Sports Reservation
- Room Reservation (used in the dark demo version)
- Book Conference Room (used in the dark demo version)
Importing the Demo Slider
To import the slider used in the demo, you need to go to your Dashboard and then to Revolution Slider, click on Import Slider on the right side of the screen and select the demo slider located in the demo content folder, in the revolution slider folder, which contains the slider used in the demo. If you want the slider used in the black demo, you should import the home-black ZIP file.

Import Revolution Slide Demo Content
Available demo sliders:
- Home Slider
- Home-Black Slider
How to set up your homepage content
After successfully importing the demo content, the demo slider and the demo forms, you need to follow a few simple steps and begin replacing the demo content with your own. Our demo is using the default settings for layout. You can go at Appearance > Customize > Layout and verify if you have the default settings. At General Layout you should have Full-width and Wide and Large Padding. At Header Layout you should have Stretched and Wide and Large Padding. At Content Layout you should have Same as General Layout Style and Wide and Large Padding. At Footer Layout you should have Stretched and Wide and Large Padding.
Step 1: Go to Settings > Reading > Front Page Displays and choose A Static Page. Use the Front Page select box to choose Home and the Posts Page select box to choose News.
Step 2: Go to Slider Revolution, click on the Pencil button, under the imported slider, and click on the images to change them with your own. You can click on the Add Slide button to add more images in the slider.
Step 3: Go to Appearance > Customize > Menus > Menu Locations and use the Main Menu select box to choose Menu. If you want to use two menus, use the Secondary Menu select box to choose Services. You can define the structure at Appearance > Menus. The first level elements of the Secondary Menu allow a Background Image and a Description. If you can’t see the Description field, click on Screen Options, at the top right corner of the screen, to reveal the top panel and check the Description box to add it in the options. The background image will be displayed only if the Secondary Menu element has sub-elements.
Step 4: Go to Pages and edit the Front Page. Go to the Visual Composer booking form element and click on Edit Booking Form. Use the Ninja Forms select box to choose Room Booking and then check the boxes for the fields you want to add.

Step 5: Edit the Home Page and go to the Visual Composer element with parallax images. Click the Edit this Row button and select the Parallax tab. Here you can replace the parallax images with your own and also customize the parallax settings. The background image can be changed in the Design Options tab.

For the element below, you can edit the images in the Visual Composer carousel by clicking the Edit Carousel Service button for each carousel element.
Step 6: If you want to display the weather in the top right corner, go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Site Title & Taglines. In the Right Tagline field add the weather shortcode, like this:
[simple-weather days="2" location="Bucharest, Ro" units="metric"]
To learn more about how you can customize the weather display, you can read the Simple Weather chapter.
Step 7: Go to Appearance > Widgets > Footer Widget Area and add the elements you want in your footer. Next, go to Appearance > Customize > Footer > Copyright Text and edit the HTML code to insert your own social media links.
In the following code, replace # with your social media links and edit the titles.
<span class="pull-right">
<a href="#" title="Your Title" target="_blank">[icon icon=rss boxed=yes] </a>
<a href="#" title="Your Title" target="_blank">[icon icon=pinterest boxed=yes]
<a href="#" title="Your Title" target="_blank">[icon icon=facebook boxed=yes]
<a href="#" title="Your Title" target="_blank">[icon icon=twitter boxed=yes]
How to Update the Theme
Important: Before updating it is important to know that theme settings and content are not lost during the update process. You will lose changes to the theme files, if you changed any files. In order to prevent losing the file changes, we strongly recommend that you use child themes. Also, we recommend that you look in the release notes before updating.
The theme update can be done via FTP or via WordPress. Theme update can be done automatically or manually, depending on the method you prefer. Both methods are presented below as follows:
Auto-Update can be done directly in your WordPress Dashboard, with Envato Market plugin, which will help you easy manage all your Envato products. You can find this plugin here: Envato Market Plugin
Manual Update
Manual Update can be done via FTP or via WordPress. No matter what method you choose, you first need to download the new theme files from Theme Forest. To download the new files, you need to follow these steps:
- Login to your Theme Forest account, go to Downloads and search for Leisure - Hotel, Resort & Spa WordPress Theme in your downloads list.
- Click on the download button and choose the files you wish to download. You can either download the Installable WordPress Theme (this consists only of the theme files needed for update) or the Main Files package.
- Now, based on your choice of install options, follow the method you prefer most:
Manual Theme Update via FTP
- Login to your FTP account and go to Wp-content > Themes. Delete the old folder called leisure.
- Unzip the new update previously downloaded. If you downloaded the Installable WordPress Theme, you will need only to unzip this file. If you downloaded the Main Files, you first need to unzip the Main Files, then you need to unzip
- Upload the leisure unzipped folder to your Wp-content > Themes folder.
Manual Theme Update via WordPress
- Login to your WordPress dashboard and head over to Appearance > Themes and deactivate Leisure
- Delete the old Leisure theme.
- Upload the new theme file. You can either upload the Installable WordPress Theme or unzip the Main Files package and upload the file.
- After uploading, activate Leisure and you are done!
Quick Theme Setup
After installing the theme, the recommended plugins and the demo content, it is best that you configure your theme to your desire. Please follow the next steps for a quick setup:
Quick Theme Customization
From your Dashboard, head over to Appearance > Customize and start customizing the theme. Our smart options sidebar, on the left, lets you change anything and see the effects in action right away. The panel elements with a right pointing arrow have their own sub-panel. The elements with a downward arrow open their options in the same panel. Here is a short description of all sections and fields:

Leisure Customizer
Header Panel

Header Panel
Site Title & Taglines
Appearance > Customize > Header > Site Title & Taglines
- Site Title – Enter your site title. Default: Leisure
- Tagline – Enter your left tagline. Default: [icon icon=map-marker] ST. ANDREWS, SCOTLAND
- Right Tagline – Enter your right tagline. Default: [simple-weather days=”2″ location=”Bucharest, Ro” units=”metric”]
- Disable WPML Language Selector – If you have WPML plugin installed, you can use this checkbox to remove the language selector.
- Site Icon – Upload an image from your computer to use it as a favicon. The image must be square and at least 512px*512px.
Site Logo
- Logo – Upload your logo here. Default: none
- Logo Retina (@2x) – Upload your retina logo here. Your retina logo should be double size than your normal logo. This will ensure that your logo will look crystal sharp on retina devices. Default: none
- Small Devices Logo – If you want to use a different logo for small devices, you can upload one here. A small device has less than 768px.
- Small Devices Retina Logo (@2x) – Upload your retina logo for small devices here. Your small devices retina logo should be double size than your small devices logo.
- Sticky Logo – If you want to use a different logo for the sticky menu, you can upload one here. This option is active only if you are using the sticky menu.
- Sticky Retina Logo (@2x) – Upload your retina logo for the sticky menu here. Your sticky menu retina logo should be double size than your sticky menu logo.
Header Image
Leisure uses header images. The minimum size for the header image is 1600 x 400 pixels. By default, the theme has no header image and uses the link color as background. This is a global setting and will affect all pages. Alternatively, you can have more images and display them randomly.
Important: The global header images can be overridden by the Header Slider or by the Individual Page Settings.
- Current header – Displays your current header image. You can Hide it or you can Add new image. If you choose to add more images, the header will choose, each time, a random one.
- Previously uploaded – Displays the header images you uploaded.
- Randomize uploaded headers – If you add more images, the header can choose, each time, a random one. Push this button to display a random image.
Header Slider
Before being able to set a header slider, you first need to create / import one from the Revolution Slider menu. After creating or importing a slider, select the header slider from the Header Slider field. By default, there is no header slider set.
Important: If you set-up a header slider, all header images will be overridden except the Individual Page Settings.
Background Image Section

Background Image Section
- Background Image – Here you can upload a custom background image for your website. Default: none
- Background Slider – Before being able to set a background slider, you first need to create / import one from the Revolution Slider menu. After creating or importing a slider, select the background slider from the list.
Colors Panel

Colors Panel
Color Schemes
- Color Scheme – Choose your default color scheme from the two options available: Resort White Mode and Hotel Dark Mode
General Colors
- Background Color – Choose your background color. Default: #FFFFFF
- Boxed Background Color – Choose your boxed background color. Only visible when Layout Size or Content Size are set to boxed. Default: #FFFFFF
- Text Color – Choose your text color. Default: #667279
- Link Color – Choose your link color. Default: #363D40
- Primary Color – Choose your primary color: Default: #C0392B
- Add Content Shadow – Check this box if you want a shadow effect at the bottom of the content area.
- Navigation Color – Here you can choose the color for your menu
- Navigation Link Color – Here you can choose the links color for your menu
- Navigation Special Color – Here you can choose the color for the menu text link when you are on that particular page.
- Header Texts Color – Here you can choose the color for the texts in your header
- Shading Color – Here you can choose the shading color for your header
- Add Header Shadow – Check this box if you want a shadow effect at the bottom of the header.
- Background – Here you can choose the color for your footer
- Text – Here you can choose the color for the texts in your footer.
- Links – Here you can choose the color for the links in your footer.
- Titles – Here you can choose the color for the titles in your footer.
- H1-H6 Heading – Here you can choose the color for your headings.
Typography Panel

Typography Panel
Font Pairings
- Font Pairs – Choose a default font pair from the two options available: Resort or Hotel.
General Typography (all texts)
- Font Family – Select the general font family for your website.
- Font Style – Select the general font style for your website.
- Font Variant – Select the general font variant for your website.
- Font Size – Select the general font size for your website.
- Include Special Characters – If you wish to use a subset for special characters you can select one here. Make sure the fonts you use on the website support these special characters.
Main Menu
- Font Family – Select the general font family for your main menu.
- Font Style – Select the general font style for your main menu.
- Font Variant – Select the general font variant for your main menu.
- Font Size – Select the general font size for your main menu.
Secondary Menu
- Font Family – Select the general font family for your secondary menu.
- Font Style – Select the general font style for your secondary menu.
- Font Variant – Select the general font variant for your secondary menu.
- Font Size – Select the general font size for your secondary menu.
H1-H6 Heading
- Font Family – Select the general font family for your headings.
- Font Style – Select the general font style for your headings.
- Font Variant – Select the general font variant for your headings.
- Font Size – Select the general font size for your headings.
- Font Family – Select the general font family for your blockquotes.
- Font Style – Select the general font style for your blockquotes.
- Font Variant – Select the general font variant for your blockquotes.
- Font Size – Select the general font size for your blockquotes.
Layout Panel

Layout Panel
General Layout
- Layout Mode – Here you can choose the layout of your website. You have two available options: Full-width and Boxed. The default option is Full-width.
- Layout Style – Here you can choose a predefined size and padding for your layout or go for a Custom Layout Style. The predefined options available are Wide and Large Padding, Narrow and Small Padding and Full-width and No Padding. The default option is Wide and Large Padding.
- Custom Layout Size – If you selected a Custom Layout Style, you can use this slide bar to select a global size for your website. This size will affect all sections: header, content and footer. If you want to use different sizes, you should set different values for each section, using the other layout tabs.
- Custom Layout Padding – If you selected a Custom Layout Style, you can use this slide bar to select a global paddings for your website. This padding will affect all sections: header, content and footer. If you want to use different paddings, you should set different values for each section, using the other layout tabs.
Header Layout
- Header Mode – Here you can choose the layout of your header. You have five available options: Same as General Layout Mode will use the same option that you have selected in the General Layout Mode tab. Stretched will stretch the background of the header for the full length, outside the box. Boxed will make the header boxed. Full-width will stretch your header for the full length. Transparent will make your header transparent, with the Stretched header settings. The default option is Stretched.
- Header Style – Here you can choose a predefined size and padding for your header or go for a Custom Header Style. The predefined options available are Same as General Layout Style, Wide and Large Padding, Narrow and Small Padding and Full-width and No Padding. The default option is Same as General Layout Style.
- Custom Header Size – If you selected a Custom Header Style, you can use this slide bar to select a size for your header.
- Custom Header Padding – If you selected a Custom Header Style, you can use this slide bar to select a padding for your header.
Content Layout
- Content Mode – Here you can choose the layout of your content. You have three available options: Same as General Layout Mode will use the same option that you have selected in the General Layout Mode tab. Boxed will make the content boxed. Full-width will stretch your content for the full length. The default option is Same as General Layout Mode.
- Content Style – Here you can choose a predefined size and padding for your content or go for a Custom Content Style. The predefined options available are Same as General Layout Style, Wide and Large Padding, Narrow and Small Padding and Full-width and No Padding. The default option is Same as General Layout Style.
- Custom Content Size – If you selected a Custom Content Style, you can use this slide bar to select a size for your content.
- Custom Content Padding – If you selected a Custom Content Style, you can use this slide bar to select a padding for your content.
Footer Layout
- Footer Mode – Here you can choose the layout of your footer. You have four available options: Same as General Layout Mode will use the same option that you have selected in the General Layout Mode tab. Stretched will stretch the background of the footer for the full length, outside the box. Boxed will make the footer boxed. Full-width will stretch your footer for the full length. The default option is Stretched.
- Footer Style – Here you can choose a predefined size and padding for your footer or go for a Custom Footer Style. The predefined options available are Same as General Layout Style, Wide and Large Padding, Narrow and Small Padding and Full-width and No Padding. The default option is Same as General Layout Style.
- Custom Footer Size – If you selected a Custom Footer Style, you can use this slide bar to select a size for your footer.
- Custom Footer Padding – If you selected a Custom Footer Style, you can use this slide bar to select a padding for your footer.
Developer Tools Panel

General Panel
General Options Section
- Disable Theme Animations – Use this checkbox to choose between an animated layout and a non animated one. Animations are active by default.
- Hide Comments For Pages – Check this box to disable comments on your pages.
- Hide Author Box – Check this box to disable the author box for blog articles.
- Hide Post Navigation – At the bottom of a post, you can choose to display links to the next and previous posts. Check this box to disable those links.
Social Sharing Section
- Sharing on single posts – Check this box to add sharing links for your posts.
- Sharing on pages – Check this box to add sharing links for your pages.
- Sharing Tagline – Here you can type in the text that will appear next to the sharing buttons.
Google Services Section
- Google Tag Manager Container – Type in your container for Google Tag Manager.
- Analytics ID – Type in your Google Analytics ID.
- Webmaster Tools Verification – Type in the verification code for the Google Webmaster Tools
- Google Maps Api Key – Type in your API Key for Google Maps
Custom HTML Code Section
- Show custom code fields – Check this box if you want to use custom HTML code.
- Custom code before </head> / </body> – If you want to use additional code, you can insert here your custom HTML code to be used before closing the head / body.
Custom CSS Code Section
- Custom CSS – If you want to use additional code, you can insert here your custom CSS code. This code will work globally, for all devices.
- Small Devices CSS – If you want to use additional code for your website on small screen devices, you can insert here your custom CSS code. Small screen devices have a display with less than 768px.
- Medium Devices CSS – If you want to use additional code for your website on medium screen devices, you can insert here your custom CSS code. Medium screen devices have a display with more than 768px and less than 992px.
- Large Devices CSS – If you want to use additional code for your website on large screen devices, you can insert here your custom CSS code. Large screen devices have a display with more than 992px and less than 1200px.
- Extra Large Devices CSS – If you want to use additional code for your website on extra large screen devices, you can insert here your custom CSS code. Extra large screen devices have a display with more than 1200px.
Static Front Page Section

Static Front Page Section
- Front page displays – Choose how your front page should look. Available choices are: Your latest posts or A static page. Default: Your Latest Posts
- Front page – Choose your front page. Default: none
- Posts page – Choose your posts page. Default: Blog
- Posts Listing Style – You can choose here the size of your featured images in the Blog page. Available options are List with large image and List with small image. The default selection is with large images.
- Posts Description – Drag the bar to the number of words you want to use in the description excerpt for each article in the blog listing.
Rooms Settings Section

Rooms Settings Section
- Rooms Listing Title – Here you can type in the name for the Rooms Listing page.
- Disable Room Reviews – Check this box if you do not want to allow visitors to leave a review on the Room pages.
- Rating Summary – Here you can type in the criteria for ratings. Examples: Comfort, Position, Price, Quality.
- Rooms Link Slug – Here you can type in the link slug for the Rooms Listing page. It is not recommended to change it.
Setting up the Pages
To create pages for your website you should login to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Pages > Add New. It is strongly recommended to use a Page Template for your pages, as you will take advantage of the integrated features. For example, a Contact Page Template will offer customized features for Contact pages.
Leisure WP Theme comes bundled with Visual Composer, a great and cool method to build pages easy, fast and with a lot of features. In conjunction with the Visual Composer, you can use Shortcodes for different features and CSS Classes for styling.
Quick CSS Classes
Here is a list of some CSS classes that you can use on your pages to get the look you are going for.
Text Classes
- text-left – Aligns the text to the left
- text-center – Aligns the text to the center
- text-right – Aligns the text to the right
- text-justify – Aligns the text by justifying
- text-uppercase – Converts the text to uppercase
- text-lowercase – Converts the text to lowercase
- text-capitalize – Capitalizes the text
Padding Classes
- content-padding – Adds a top and bottom padding of 56 pixels to the element
- content-padding-none – Adds a top and bottom padding of 0 pixels to the element
- content-padding-xs – Adds a top and bottom padding of 32 pixels to the element
- content-padding-lg – Adds a top and bottom padding of 98 pixels to the element
- content-padding-xl – Adds a top and bottom padding of 140 pixels to the element
- content-padding-xxl – Adds a top and bottom padding of 154 pixels to the element
- content-padding-mobile-none – Adds a top and bottom padding of 0 pixels to the element on mobile devices
Background Classes
- white-box – Adds a white background of 85% opacity. It has no padding by default. In conjunction with classes content-padding and content-padding-xs it will add top bottom, left, and right padding of 56 pixels and 32 pixels respectively.
- white-box-mobile – Adds a white background of 85% opacity for mobile devices
- background-none-mobile – Removes any background image for mobile devices
Page Templates
When creating a page, you can choose the desired template from the Page Attributes menu, on the right.
Click on the select box Template to see all the page templates available:
- Default Template
- Coming Soon Page
- Contact Page
- Contact Page 2
- Page With Left Sidebar
- Page With Right Sidebar
- Fullwidth Page
Select the Default Template option if you do not want to use a page template.
Setting up the Homepage
Go to Page Attributes > Template > Default Template to select the template for your homepage. We recommend importing our demo content and using our demo home page, that you can customize how you want.
It is strongly recommended to take a look at the Individual Page Settings located under the page content area.
Choosing the Home Page
After you create the page, you should configure it as your home page.
Go to Settings > Reading and click on the A Static Page radio button. Click the Front Page select box and choose your home page.
The Posts Page select box is where you can choose the page for your blog.

Reading Settings
Setting up the Blog
Create a new page with a name of your choice and select the Default Template from the Page Attributes menu, on the right.
Create the Blog Page
Set the page as your blog by going to Settings > Reading and select it from the Posts Page select box.
After this, you are ready to start populating with blog posts.
To create a new post, go to Posts > Add New, type in a title and insert the content in the designated field.

Reading Settings
Choosing the Category & Tags
Assign a category to your post using the Categories box on the right.
Click on + Add New Category to create a new one.
You can assign one or more categories to a post by checking the box next to the Category name.
You can also assign tags by using the Tags box below. Insert the tags, separated with commas, in the dedicated field and click on Add.
Setting up a Featured Image
To set a Featured Image for your blog post click on Set featured image in the Featured Image box, below Tags. Choose an image from the Media Library or upload a file from your computer and click on Set featured image.
It is strongly recommended to take a look at the Individual Page Settings located under the page content area.
After you are happy with the title, post content, categories, tags, featured image and everything else, click Publish and your post will appear on your blog page.
Setting up the Contact Page
Create a new page with a name of your choice and select the Contact Page Template, from the Page Attributes menu on the right. You can choose the desired template from Contact Page Template.
Contact Details
Under the contact page content area you can configure the Contact Details using the following options within the Individual Page Settings Box:
- Side Content: The Side Content is the secondary column of the contact page. You can insert content just like for the main page.
- Map Coordinates Latitude / Longitude: Enter the latitude and longitude coordinates so the map will show your desired location.
- Map Type: Choose one of the four map types available. Default is set to roadmap.
- Map Height:Enter the height of the map in pixels. Default is set to 500.
- Map Level Zoom: Enter the zoom level of the map. Default is set to 15
It is strongly recommended to take a look at the Individual Page Settings located under the page content area.

Individual Page Settings
Setting up the Rooms
If you want to create individual pages for your rooms, you can use our dedicated tab that offers cool customization options for hotel websites. You can find Rooms as a separate tab in the WP dashboard, under the Comments tab. To enable Visual Composer for your room pages, go to Visual Composer > Role Manager > Post Types, select Custom and check the Room box.

All Rooms
Adding a New Room
Go to Rooms > Add New to create a new room page, just like you would create a normal page. The room page has a default right sidebar and offers several custom features:
- Room Types – You can use the Room Types box, from the right, under the Publish box, to assign a type to your room page. Go to Rooms > Room Types to create and manage your room types. Those will be displayed, for each room, in the auto generated Rooms Listing.
- Room Amenities – You can use the Room Amenities box, from the right, under the Room Types box, to add amenities for the room. Go to Rooms > Room Amenities to create and manage your amenities. Those will be displayed as icons for each room individually.
- Page Gallery – Use the Page Gallery box, from the right, to upload images for the room. Those will be displayed on the individual room page, below the featured image.
- Featured Image – Use the Featured Image box, from the right, to upload the featured image for the room page.
After you create your room pages, the auto generated Rooms Listing will display them in a column. Go to Appearance > Customize > Rooms Settings > Rooms Link Slug to see the link for the Rooms Listing page.
You can edit the room pages from Rooms > All Rooms, just like you would edit your normal pages.
Please note: If you want to allow visitors to post Reviews on a room page, you need to check the Allow Comments box, from the Discussion section, below Individual Page Settings.
Room Types
Go to Rooms > Room Types to create and manage your room types. Those will be displayed, for each room, in the auto generated Rooms Listing.
- Name – Type in the name for your room type. Examples: Single Room, Double Room.
- Slug – The link slug for the room type will be auto generated. You can type in a custom one.
- Parent – If you want, you can assign a parent to the room type.
- Description – If you want, you can type in a description for the room type.
Room Amenities
Go to Rooms > Room Amenities to create and manage your amenities. Those will be displayed as icons for each room individually.
- Name – Type in the name for your room amenity. Examples: Free WiFi, Cable TV, Gym Access.
- Slug – The link slug for the room amenity will be auto generated. You can type in a custom one.
- Description – If you want, you can type in a description for the room amenity.
- Amenity Icon – Type in the three digits number of the Hotel and Restaurant Icon you want to display. You can find the complete list in chapter 5.1. Icon Shortcodes.
Visual Composer
Visual Composer is a very unique plugin, it will help you manage your content for the WordPress sites and create stunning layouts, in a few minutes, without coding. Nowadays, many websites have complex grid layouts with columns, tabs, sliders etc. In the past, to create that type of layouts you had to be a HTML guru or a Shortcodes operator ninja.
Curly Themes Visual Composer Extension
The Curly Themes Visual Composer Extension consists in bringing more options to the existing elements and register new elements that are located in the Curly Themes Extension tab, in the elements window. We have enhanced Visual Composer by eliminating some elements and parameters and added new ones.
The extended elements are: Row, Image Gallery, Image Carousel, Tabs, while the new elements are: Services List, Testimonials Carousel, Services Carousel, Isotope Grid, FontAwesome Icon, Booking Form, Ninja Form, Ninja Modal Form.
Revolution Slider
Create a responsive (mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see effects while meanwhile keeping or building your SEO optimization (all content always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this slider with our convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs.
This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set up options to create your own effects.
Ninja Forms
Ninja Forms is the ultimate FREE form creation solution for WordPress. Build WordPress Forms within minutes using Ninja Forms powerful forms creation page. It allows you to easily and quickly design complex forms through a drag and drop interface and absolutely no code. But for you developers it has a ton of hooks and filters so you can do absolutely anything with this powerful form building framework.
Using Ninja Forms
- Documentation
- Installing/Updating Ninja Forms and Extensions
- Row & Column building
- Settings
- About Support
Ninja Forms Extension
We have extended the great Ninja Forms plugin by adding new features so that you will enjoy using it more. If you are looking for even more extensions for Ninja Form they have a very cool extension marketplace, that you can visit here: Ninja Form Extensions Marketplace
Please note, when using a Ninja Form Extension, you should check the box Submit via AJAX (without page reload)? in the tab Settings, when editing the form.
Ninja Forms Layout
You can adjust your form layout in the Form Fields tab while editing your form. In this tab you can easily arrange your form fields by following the next steps:
Step 1 – Each field has a Container box under Display options. In this Container box you need to add the size you wish for that field. Sizing works like this:
- Leave the box empty for a full width box
- one-half is a half width box. Two 1/2 boxes will have room next to each other
- one-third is a one third width box. Three 1/3 boxes will have room next to each other
- two-thirds is a two thirds width box. One 2/3 box will have room next to a 1/3 box
- one-fourth is a one quarter width box. Four 1/4 boxes will have room next to each other. Two 1/4 boxes will have room next to a 1/2 box
- two-fourths is a two quarters width box. Same size as the 1/2 box
- three-fourths is a three thirds width box. One 3/4 box will have room next to a 1/4 box
- one-sixth is a one sixth width box. One 1/6 box will have room next to a 5/6 box
- two-sixths is a two sixths width box. Same size as 1/3 box
- three-sixths is a three sixths width box. Same size as a 1/2 box
- four-sixths is a four sixths width box. Same size as a 2/3 box
- five-sixths is a five sixths width box. One 5/6 box will have room next to a 1/6 box
Step 2 – Drag the fields around to arrange them how you want. Make sure they fit next to the items you want to place them

Simple Weather
Simple Weather is a beautiful weather plugin that displays the weather via shortcode or via widgets. Add a simple, but very useful feature to your website, with this stylish plugin. Your visitors will know right away how to plan their schedule, happy to know the weather is on their side. Simple Weather is based on
Weather Shortcode
[simple-weather location="London, Uk" days="2" night="yes" units="metric" date="l" api="YOUR API KEY HERE" interval ="5"]
- Location: Choose the location for the weather display
- Latitude & Longitude: Coordinates of a location that cannot be found by name. Use decimal coordinates (ex: 43.343 & 12.4543)
- Days: Choose the number of days to forecast. Max 7.
- Night: yes / no. Choose to display the night temperature or not.
- Units: imperial / metric / internal. Default is internal (auto). Imperial = F, Metric = C
- Date: Date format according to: Moment.js supported date formats
- Api: You can improve the overall performance of our plugin, if you use your own API Key from
- Interval: By default, the weather updates with each page refresh. If you want to set a custom update interval, you can add a value, in minutes, to the shortcode. The value 0 means the default update, with each refresh.
Weather Widget
- Title: Choose widget title. If no title is entered, it will display the location as title.
- Location Type: Choose how you will set the location: Location or Coordinates. If you choose Auto, the plugin will take the visitor’s location, through IP geolocation.
- Location: You can choose the city and the country for the weather display.
- Latitude & Longitude: You can enter coordinates for a location that cannot be found by name. Use decimal coordinates (ex: 43.343 & 12.4543).
- Units: You can use Imperial ( Fahrenheit degrees) or Metric ( Celsius degrees) units to display the temperature.
- Days: You can choose the number of days for the forecast. The maximum value is 7. If you choose None, it will not display a forecast for the next days, just the current weather.
- Weather Check Interval: You can choose how often the plugin will update the weather info: every 10 minutes, every 30 minutes, every hour, every 2 hours or with each page refresh.
- Language: You can choose the language* for the weather description (ex: Mostly Cloudy).
- Background Color: Choose the background color of the widget.
- Text Color: Choose the text color of the widget.
- API Key (optional): You can use your own API Key from This will improve the general performance of our plugin.
¹ Available languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Romanian, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, Turkish, Bulgarian, Swedish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified
Using xtender plugin
Our custom xtender plugin brings powerful features and functionalities, making WordPress content building much easier. It is strongly recommended to use the theme only together with the xtender plugin, as the theme has been designed with the xtender functionalities in mind. The xtender plugin adds custom Visual Composer elements, Individual Page Settings, Shortcodes, Widgets and Sidebars generator.
Icon Shortcodes
Hotel and Restaurant Icons
We have included a custom set of icons for hotels and restaurants, that you can easily insert through this shortcode:
[hotel-icon icon=010 size=2x boxed=yes]
- icon – Type in the number under the icon you want to add
- size – Choose the size of your icon. Available values are: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x. Default: none
- boxed – Choose if you want your icon to be boxed. Available values are: yes / no. Default: none
Font Awesome Icons
Use this shortcode to display a nice Font Awesome vector, crystal sharp icon.
[icon icon=fa-home size=2x boxed=yes color=white background=red]
- icon – All FontAwesome icon names. You can find the complete icon list available here:
- size – Choose the size of your icon. Available values are: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x. Default: none
- boxed – Choose if you want your icon to be boxed. Available values are: yes / no. Default: none
- border – Choose if you want your icon to have a border. Available values are: yes / no.
- border-color – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon border color.
- boder-width – Enter the value in pixels for the icon border width.
- border-style – Choose a style for your border. Available values are: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial or inherit.
- color – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon color. Default: text color
- background – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon background color. Default: none
- link – Enter the URL address, if you want to add a link to the icon.
- new_window – Choose the target for the icon link. To open the link in a new window use the value yes, default is no.
Themify Icons
Use this shortcode to display a nice Themify icon.
[icon icon=ti-home size=2x boxed=yes color=white background=red]
- icon – All Themify icon names. You can find the complete icon list available here:
- size – Choose the size of your icon. Available values are: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x. Default: none
- boxed – Choose if you want your icon to be boxed. Available values are: yes / no. Default: none
- border – Choose if you want your icon to have a border. Available values are: yes / no.
- border-color – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon border color.
- boder-width – Enter the value in pixels for the icon border width.
- border-style – Choose a style for your border. Available values are: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial or inherit.
- color – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon color. Default: text color
- background – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon background color. Default: none
- link – Enter the URL address, if you want to add a link to the icon.
- new_window – Choose the target for the icon link. To open the link in a new window use the value yes, default is no.
Individual Page Settings
The Individual Page Settings box is a collection of features that take customization to a new level. Our Individual Page Settings box consists of: Contact Details, Page Title, Header Options and Background.
The xtender plugin adds custom widgets that you can add to your Sidebars at Appearance > Widgets. Also, the widgets you add in the Footer Widget Area sidebar will display several custom options.
Recent Posts
- Widget Title – Add the title for your recent posts display.
- Limit Posts – Add the number of posts to be displayed.
- Thumbnail – Use this select box to choose if you want to use a thumbnail or not.
- Exclude Posts – Add the IDs of the posts you want to exclude, separated by comma.
- Choose Categories – Add the IDs of the categories you want to display, separated by comma. If you leave this field empty, all posts will be displayed.
- Widget Title – Add the title for your search field.
Footer Widget Area Sidebar
The xtender adds Widget Layout options to each widget in the footer, which will allow you to define rules for each screen size.
- Widget Grid Size – Use this select box to choose a grid size for the widget, between 1-12 columns (except 7).
- Widget Grid Offset – Use this select box to choose a grid offset for the widget, between 1-12 columns (except 7) or No Offset.
- Widget Text Align – Use this select box to choose the alignment of the text in the widget.
- Widget Visibility – Use this select box to hide the widget for desired screen sizes.
The CSS Classes field allows you to add custom CSS for the footer widget.
VC Elements
The xtender Visual Composer Extension consists in bringing more options to the existing elements and register new elements that are located in the xtender tab, in the elements window. We have enhanced Visual Composer by eliminating some elements and parameters and added new ones.

Filmstrip Carousel
Filmstrip Carousel Parameters:
- Speed – Use this field to type in the carousel speed in milliseconds. For example, 5.000 milliseconds is 5 seconds.
- Offset – Use this option if you wish to use an offset. Available options are: No offset, Top and Bottom.
- Grayscale Images – Check this box if you want to disable the grayscale effect.
- CSS Classes – Use this field to add custom CSS classes.
The Filmstrip Carousel element accepts only Single Image elements. The Single Image element is the default VC element with several new parameters.
Mini Carousel
Mini Carousel Parameters:
- Timeout – Use this field to type in the timeout speed in milliseconds for the carousel. For example, 5.000 milliseconds is 5 seconds. If you leave the field empty, the carousel autoplay will be disabled.
- Pause on hover – Check this box to pause the carousel on hover.
- Loop – Check this box to play the carousel in a loop.
- Navigation – Check this box to disable the navigation for the carousel.
- CSS Classes – Use this field to add custom CSS classes.
The Mini Carousel element accepts only Single Image elements. The Single Image element is the default VC element with several new parameters.
Google Map
Google Map Parameters:
- Map Pin Latitude / Longitude – Enter the map coordinates for the map pin.
- Map Center Latitude / Longitude – Enter the map coordinates for the center of the displayed map.
- Map Type – Use the select box to choose a map type. Available options: Roadmap, Hybrid, Satellite and Terrain.
- Map Zoom – Use the select box to choose the zoom level, between 1 and 16.
- Map Theme – Use the select box to choose a graphic theme for the map.
- Map Height – Add the map height in pixels.
- Map Image – You can use this option to upload an image for your location, displayed above the map pin.
- Map Title – You can use this option to add a title for your location, displayed above the map pin.
- Map Description – You can use this option to add a description for your location, displayed above the map pin.
- CSS Classes – Use this field to add custom CSS classes.
You can use the Timeline custom VC element to build a stylish timeline of important events, with images and text. First, you need to add the Timeline element in page. Then, you can start adding Timeline Items. Inside the Timeline Item container, you can add other VC elements, like text and images, which will be displayed as events on a timeline.
Shape Parameters:
- Shape Form – Use this select box to choose the form shape. Available options: Square and Round.
- Depth – Use this select box to choose the shape depth. Available options: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.
- Width – Type in the width of the shape.
- Height – Type in the height of the shape.
- Position Absolute – Check this box if you want to use position absolute for the shape.
- Opacity – Type in the opacity of the shape.
- CSS Classes – Use this field to add custom CSS classes.
Person Parameters:
- Person Image – Use this option to upload an image for your person element.
- Person Name – Type in the name of the person.
- Person Title – Type in the person’s title.
- Person Position – Type in the person’s position.
- Person Description – Type in the person’s description.
- CSS Classes – Use this field to add custom CSS classes.
Services List Element
Used to create a nice Services List. Only accepts Services List Item as a child.
Services List Parameters:
- Extra Class – Enter any CSS classes, separated by space
- CSS – Style the element using the visual CSS tools
Services List Item Parameters:
- Title – Service title
- Description – Service description
- Link – Service Link
Testimonials Carousel Element
Used to create a nice Testimonials Carousel. Only accepts Testimonial as a child.
Testimonials Carousel Parameters:
- Widget Title – Enter the widget title
- Widget Subtitle – Enter the widget subtitle
- Desktop Testimonials – Choose how many testimonials should be visible on a desktop screen
- Tablet Testimonials – Choose how many testimonials should be visible on a tablet screen
- Mobile Testimonials – Choose how many testimonials should be visible on a mobile screen
- Auto Play Speed – Choose the autoplay speed in ms
- Pause on Hover – Check this to pause the carousel on hover
- Loop – Check this to loop the carousel
- Navigation – Check this to display the carousel navigation
- Next Button Text – Enter the text for the next button
- Prev Button Text – Enter the text for the previous button
Testimonial Parameters:
- Person Name – Enter the person name
- Testimonial – Enter the testimonial
- Date – Enter the testimonial date
- Text Link – Enter the text link for the testimonial
- Link – Enter the testimonial link
Services Carousel Element
Used to create a gorgeous Services Carousel. Only accepts Carousel Service as a child.
Services Carousel Parameters:
- Widget Title – Enter the widget title
- Widget Subtitle – Enter the widget subtitle
- Desktop Testimonials – Choose how many items should be visible on a desktop screen
- Tablet Testimonials – Choose how many items should be visible on a tablet screen
- Mobile Testimonials – Choose how many items should be visible on a mobile screen
- Auto Play Speed – Choose the autoplay speed in ms
- Pause on Hover – Check this to pause the carousel on hover
- Loop – Check this to loop the carousel
- Navigation – Check this to display the carousel navigation
- Next Button Text – Enter the text for the next button
- Prev Button Text – Enter the text for the previous button
Carousel Service Parameters:
- Title – Enter the service title
- Description – Enter the service description
- Image – Enter the service image
- Link – Enter the service link
Isotope Grid Element
Used to create a nice Masonry Effect Grid. Only accepts Isotope Grid Item as a child.
Isotope Grid Parameters:
- Filters Text – Enter the text used before the filters
- All Items Text – Enter the text for all filters
- Filter Tags – Enter the filters list, comma separated
Isotope Grid Item Parameters:
- Title – Enter the item title
- Description – Enter the item description
- Image – Enter the item image
- Link – Enter the item link
- Filter Tags – Enter the filters list, comma separated for each item
Single Image
We have extended the default Single Image VC element with several new parameters:
- General > On click action – Use the select box to choose the action for a click on the image.
- General > Image style – Two custom additional image styles: Small White Frame with Shadow and Large White Frame with Shadow.
- Design Options > Maximum Width – Use this field to define a maximum width for the image.
- Design Options > Width – Use this field to define the width of the image.
- Parallax > Enable Parallax – Check this box to make the image a parallax layer. If you check this box, you will have to define the parallax coordinates for the image.
VC Row
We have extended the default VC Row with several new parameters:
- Design Options > Background Repeat – Use this select box to choose how the row background will be repeated in the row.
- Design Options > Background Position – Use this select box to choose the position of the row background in the row.
- Design Options > Vertical Padding – Use this select box to choose the padding of the row.
- Design Options > Minimum Height – Use this field to define a minimum height for the row.
- Section Navigator > Section Title – Use this field to add a title for the row. This will make the row a navigable section.
VC Column
We have extended the default VC Column with several new parameters:
- Design Options > Vertical Padding – Use this select box to choose the padding of the column.
- Design Options > Minimum Height – Use this field to define a minimum height for the column.
Plugin Integration
The Leisure theme is a modern state of the art theme, ready for the most popular 3rd party plugins. Design elements have already been set up. You only need to install the plugin and it will be integrated in the website by default. Leisure - Hotel, Resort & Spa WordPress Theme is perfectly adapted for popular plugins like:
The most popular, easy to use plugin for e-commerce. All e-shop pages are adapted to the Leisure theme. To learn how to install the Woocommerce plugin go to WooCommerce and follow the detailed instructions.
Contact Form 7
The simple but flexible plugin for contact forms. All contact forms are perfectly integrated in the Leisure theme, the graphics will look great and natural. Go to Contact Form 7 to learn how to install the Contact Form 7 plugin and other detailed information.
All in One SEO & Yoast SEO
Leisure theme is fully adapted to integrate popular SEO plugins like All in One SEO and Yoast SEO to help you boost your website rankings. Learn how to install All in One SEO Pack and Yoast SEO
Translation with WPML
The WordPress Multilingual Plugin is the most popular language localization plugin. Leisure theme has custom design elements integrated for the WPML plugin. Learn more about the WPML plugin by visiting the official website at WPML
You can use the WP-PageNavi plugin for a more advanced paging navigation interface. After installing it, the Leisure theme will automatically replace the default options with the WP-PageNavi options, no programming needed. Go to WP-PageNavi to learn how to install the WP-PageNavi plugin and other detailed information.
Breadcrumb NavXT
Use the Breadcrumb NavXT plugin to change the breadcrumbs design of the theme. After installing it, the Leisure theme will automatically replace the default options with the Breadcrumb NavXT options, no programming needed. Go to Breadcrumb NavXT to learn how to install the Breadcrumb NavXT plugin and other detailed information.
Use the Mail Chimp plugin to activate the newsletter on the bottom right of the screen. After installing it, the Leisure theme will automatically apply the styles. Go to Mail Chimp to learn how to install the Mailchimp plugin and other detailed information.
Use the bbPress plugin to add new community features to your theme. bbPress is a forum software with a twist, from the creators of WordPress. Makes setting up discussion forums inside your powered site an easy job. Go to the bbPress website to learn how to install and use bbPress.
CSS & JS Files
CSS Files: If you want to insert your own custom CSS code, you can use the Custom CSS field, located at Appearance > Customize > Custom Code > Custom CSS.
A theme update will overwrite all changes made. Insert all your custom CSS only in the Custom CSS field. It will override the all.css file and the changes will not be affected by an update.
Javascript Files: It is strongly recommended to avoid making any changes. If you consider you have the necessary knowledge and wish to edit them, we strongly recommend making a copy before.
If you want to insert your own custom JS code, you can use the Custom JS field, located at Appearance > Customize > Custom Code > Custom JS Code.
Child Theme
A great solution to keep all your customized options safe when updating is to create a child theme. In short, this is a WordPress theme, running alongside the original theme, with some customization overriding some original functions, without altering the original theme itself in any way.
You can create a child theme by uploading the leisure-child folder (unzip from download package) next to the leisure folder in the wp-themes folder.
Customizations made in the child theme folder will override the original theme. Files with the same names from the child folder will override the same files from the original theme. (ie. header.php in leisure-child will completely override header.php from leisure)
If you want to learn more about the child theme customization, please follow this link to read a comprehensible article.
Translating the Theme
The most comfortable and safe way to translate your theme is by using the popular WPML plugin. Install WPML Translation Plugin
If you choose to translate your theme without any translation plugin, the first thing you should do is to download and install Poedit. Alternatively, you can translate your theme without any external software, just by installing the Loco Translate Plugin.
Loco Translate
The easiest way to translate your theme is by installing the Loco Translate plugin. Install and activate the plugin and then follow the instructions on how to translate the theme.
Poedit Translation
To translate the theme using Poedit you need to follow the next steps:
- Open the en_EN.po in Poedit
- Save as your new language. The filename of your .po is crucial. Gettext uses the ISO 639 standard for language abbreviations and ISO 3166 for locales. If your translation is written in American English for example, your file name will look like en-US.po. Capitalization is also important here. For a full list of language and country codes, check out these two links: Gettext language codes and Gettext country codes
- Once you save, POEdit by default automatically creates a .mo file alongside your .po file. It is recommended to keep both files together.
- Place the .mo and .po files in the languages folder located in the Leisure folder
Setting up the translation in WordPress
The final step is to tell WordPress which translation file to use for your website. To do so you need to edit wp-config.php located in the root folder of your WordPress installation. When you open the wp-config.php file it should look like this:
/** * WordPress Localized Language, defaults to English. * * Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the chosen * language must be installed to wp-content/languages. For example, install * to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de_DE' to enable German * language support. */ define('WPLANG', '');
Your file should already contain define(‘WPLANG’, ”); but if it does not, you can add it in. You simply need to add your language and locale code into the define.If you were to translate your theme into German, you would have this:
define('WPLANG', 'de_DE');
For more details about WordPress localization please visit the WordPress Codex: WordPress in Your Language
Release Notes
- Leisure 2.2.0
- Fixed an issue with the Ninja Forms demo forms import.
- Updated WP Bakery plugin to 6.13.0 version.
- Updated Slider Revolution plugin to 6.6.14 version.
- Updated xtender plugin to 1.5.8 version.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 2.1.23
- Addressed several WP 6.0+ compatibility issues.
- Updated WP Bakery plugin to 6.9.0 version
- Updated Slider Revolution plugin to 6.5.22 version
- Updated xtender plugin to 1.5.5 version
- Fixed an issue with saving colors in the Customizer
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 2.1.18
- Addressed several PHP 8.0+ compatibility issues.
- Addressed several WooCommerce compatibility issues
- Fixed an issue with Stripe payments on WooCommerce
- Updated WP Bakery plugin to 6.6.0 version
- Updated Slider Revolution plugin to 6.4.3 version
- Updated xtender plugin to 1.5.1 version
- Updated Simple Weather plugin to 4.4.1 version
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 2.1.8
- Addressed several WP 5.0+ compatibility issues.
- Updated WP Bakery plugin to 5.7 version
- Updated Slider Revolution plugin to version
- Updated xtender plugin to 1.4.10 version
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 2.1.4
- Updated Simple Weather plugin to 4.2.2 version.
- Updated xtender plugin to 1.4.5 version.
- Updated Rev Slider plugin to 5.4.7 version.
- Fixed an issue with the menu drop-down responsiveness.
- Fixed an issue with the Individual Page Settings hide page title check-box.
- Fixed a conflict between Ninja Forms and Simple Weather affecting translations.
- Fixed an issue with the date fields of the Booking Form custom VC element.
- Minor bug fixes
- Leisure 2.1.3
- Updated Rev Slider plugin to version.
- Updated Visual Composer plugin to 5.4.5 version.
- Updated Simple Weather plugin to 4.2.1 version.
- Fixed an issue with the date fields of the Booking Form custom VC element.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 2.0 – Incompatible API Changes
Note: With this version, the Auto-update options panel and functionality have been removed. If you are using language files, you need to rename them in this format: and Leisure_EN.po Many core theme functionalities have been moved in the xtender plugin, this is now a mandatory plugin for Leisure.
- Added the xtender plugin, which comes with a lot of new functionalities, like custom VC Elements, widget, shortcodes and others. Also, some of the old theme functionalities, like custom VC elements, Individual Page Settings, secondary menu, sidebars or shortcodes have been moved in the xtender plugin.
- Added the Developer Tools options panel in the Customizer, which includes the old General panel plus additional options.
- Added Themify icons, which can be added through shortcodes.
- Deprecated the Auto-update options, we recommend using Envato Market plugin for auto-updates.
- Fixed an issue with the VC Tabs element display on IE browsers.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.8.1
- Addressed compatibility with WooCommerce 3.1+ versions.
- Updated Simple Weather to 3.0.3 version.
- Made several improvements for the WPML language switcher integration.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.6.8
- Updated Visual Composer to 5.0 version.
- Updated Revolution Slider to version.
- Fixed a Ninja Forms issue preventing the Booking Form element to function correctly.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure
- Updated Ninja Forms to 3.0.5 version.
- Addressed several compatibility issues with the new Ninja Forms version. Note: the layout building functionality for the forms has changed. Please read the dedicated Ninja Forms Layout chapter.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.6.5
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.12 version.
- Updated Revolution Slider to version.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.6.2
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.10 version.
- Reworked the demo data, for an easier and more accurate demo import.
- Added Header and Content Shadow option, that allows you to enable a shadow effect.
- Made several improvements for Visual Composer elements.
- Fixed a blog page padding issue.
- Made several improvements for WooCommerce compatibility.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.6.1
- Integrated compatibility with WP 4.4.
- Reworked the Layout tab in the Customizer, that allows you to set the size and padding of your website easier .
- Added the Small Images option, for the featured images in the blog listing.
- Fixed a headings behaviour issue.
- Fixed an issue with the header in the Search Results page.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.6
- Added fully customizable layout size in the Customizer, that allows you to set a custom size in pixels for header, content area and footer.
- Added fully customizable layout padding in the Customizer, that allows you to set a custom padding in pixels for header, content area and footer .
- Fixed a retina sticky logo issue.
- Fixed a video background issue for the VC Rows.
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.8.1 version.
- Updated Font Awesome to 4.5.0 version.
- Updated Revolution Slider to 5.1.4 version.
- Made several improvements for Visual Composer elements.
- Made several improvements for WooCommerce compatibility.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.5.5
- Added the Small Devices Logo and Small Devices Retina Logo options in the Customizer, that allow uploading a separate logo for screens with less than 768px.
- Added the Sticky Logo and Sticky Retina Logo options in the Customizer, that allow uploading a separate logo for the sticky menu.
- Improved the Custom CSS panel in the Customizer, by adding two new fields: Medium Devices CSS and Small Devices CSS.
- Added Keep content aligned to site grid option in the VC Edit Row Settings, a check box that helps keeping VC elements inside the box, when using a boxed layout.
- Fixed several issues with the Media Grid VC element.
- Updated Revolution Slider to 5.1 version.
- Made several improvements for Visual Composer elements like Tabs, Carousels, Galleries and Grids.
- Made several improvements for slider height control.
- Removed Match slider height option for the header settings at Individual Page Settings, for being deprecated.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.5
- Added the Rooms tab in the dashboard, a customizer for creating hotel room pages, with dedicated features like room reviews, room amenities, auto generated rooms listing and others.
- Added two new Header Layouts: Transparent and Boxed .
- Added the Color Scheme feature that lets you choose between two predefined color schemes: Resort White or Hotel Dark.
- Added the Font Pairings feature that lets you choose between two predefined font pairs: Resort or Hotel.
- Added the Rooms Settings section in the customizer, used for options related to the room pages.
- Added the Hotel and Restaurant Icons library, with 250 dedicated icons.
- Added a new theme demo, Hotel Dark, with extra demo content, like the Room Reservation form, custom slider and others.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Leisure 1.2.2
- Improvement: WordPress Customizer sanitization
- Improvement: Added shortcodes to Widget Titles
- Bug fix: vertical white space inconsistencies
- Bug fix: 3px top margin on logo
- Bug fix: booking forms extension in Visual composer
- Plugins: Updates all plugins
- Plugins: Fixed Simple Weather
- Initial Release