Use this shortcode to display a nice Themify icon:
- icon – All Themify icon names. You can find the complete icon list available here:
- size – Choose the size of your icon. Available values are: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x. Default: none
- boxed – Choose if you want your icon to be boxed. Available values are: yes / no. Default: none
- border – Choose if you want your icon to have a border. Available values are: yes / no.
- border-color – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon border color.
- boder-width – Enter the value in pixels for the icon border width.
- border-style – Choose a style for your border. Available values are: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial or inherit.
- color – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon color. Default: text color
- background – Enter the color name or color hex code for the icon background color. Default: none
- link – Enter the URL address, if you want to add a link to the icon.
- new_window – Choose the target for the icon link. To open the link in a new window use the value yes, default is no.